This portable guide was created as a quick-reference aid for the book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol K. Truman.
This guide is comprised of three powerful reference sections to guide you on the journey to discovering your ‘True Self’. It gives the reader plenty to work on for a deep level healing. Karol helps identify problem areas, and offers a “script” to help process the feelings, replacing the negative feeling with a new, positive outlook. From the Feelings Buried Alive Never Die book.
Section 1: Negative to Positive Feelings list
Section 2: Examples of Daily Situations
Section 3: List of the Probable Feelings Causing Ill-ness
Karol K. Truman is a practicing therapist, instructor, and counselor who specializes in reaching “core” issues and resolving them painlessly.
Size: 13cm x 8cm, 80 pages