Use the A-Z Oil Usage Guide to quickly identify which essential oil or oil blend works best for over 200 common ailments.
For every ailment listed, this compact oil guide provides you with a list of several different oils that you can use.
The first oil listed is generally the most popular remedy for that ailment; however, you can use any of the other oils listed or even combine them to make an oil blend.
How to Use the A-Z Oil Guide
First, look up the ailment. Next, choose from a list of essential oils and oil blends.
The guide will provide you with a brief description of how to use each oil — whether it's meant to be used topically, internally or aromatically.
Remember, essential oils are concentrated and thus using small amounts more frequently is the most beneficial.
Why You Need the A-Z Guide
The A-Z Guide is the perfect resource and will fit right into your purse for quick tips not only for yourself, but for others too.