Cleansing, Grounding, Gratitude and Stability
Smoky Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones that brings powerful centering and stabilising energies. Smoky Quartz can help you come back to the body and the physical world. It also facilitates the grounding of spiritual information, making it possible to do something practical and beneficial with insights received from the higher vibrational planes.
Smoky Quartz is known to relieve pain, fear, toxicity, and stress and has the ability to help you move on from painful memories of the past, whilst amplifying the deep truth of all that surrounds it. It helps you receive the grounding needed to make the sound choices that will achieve your goals.
This mesmerising stone aids in acceptance of the physical body, enhances virility, and gently neutralises negative vibrations. It also blocks geopathic stress and absorbs electromagnetic smog, protecting you for any exposure to radiation and healing any side effects.
Chakra: Root (1st)
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Scorpio, Capricorn