Epsom Salt Sale
- Regular price $5.50
Brand: Natural Good Life
- Product Info
- Packaging
Our Natural Epsom Salts – it’s a naturally occurring raw ingredient and is sustainably sourced and extracted from natural deposits in Germany. These salts are produced to a very high quality specification, with a simple, efficient production method designed to bring you the purest Epsom Salt, with minimal interference from man and machinery.
Why Food Grade Epsom Salt?
Many Epsom Salts are ungraded. A Food Grade Epsom Salt provides assurance that the production process and the end product are of the highest standards so you can enjoy that bath, spa, or float knowing you are soaking in the purest Epsom Salt available. Yes, it is 100% Natural Epsom Salt, which makes it an ideal choice for bath soak, foot soak, spa or cosmetic use.
Did you know Epsom Salt originated in Epsom, England where they mined natural deposits? That source has since depleted and so have most other natural deposits. Now, most Epsom Salt is man-made by mixing magnesium and sulphur compounds, and although this method is safe and can produce premium grades of Epsom Salt, it’s hardly natural! Most of us if given a choice would prefer a natural product to a man-made product.
Epsom Salt Benefits
Mention Epsom Salt in a conversation and most of us have an ‘Ahh Epsom Salt’ response. That’s because from generation to generation it has been a household must have. It was once commonplace to soak in a bath of Epsom Salt and feel the tensions evaporate. In our busy lifestyles, we swapped baths for showers and did away with a truly natural soother and relaxer. Many of us have come full circle, recognizing that there are no short cuts, and wisely returning to some truly wonderful remedies of old!
Epsom Salt is also widely used in the garden / horticultural industry as they greatly assist in the production of chlorophyll, which in turn produces healthy green leaves. Epsom Salts aid in the uptake of nitrogen and potassium which are essential elements to the overall health and vigour of a plant. Many professional Citrus growers use Epsom Salts. Roses, Gardenias and peppers love Epsom Salt also!
Use Epsom Salt for Bath Salts, Foot Soak, Face Scrubs, Hair Volumiser, Splinter Removal, and there are a host of other uses. This product is so versatile that just a brief browse on the internet will reveal many more uses we haven’t mentioned.
How to use Epsom Salt
Soak in a bath of Epsom Salt and feel the tension evaporate – a relaxing ‘me-time’ end to a busy day, and part of a welcoming bedtime routine.
Add 1 – 2 cups to a warm bath, lie back and relax for 20 – 30 minutes. The quantity of salt and frequency of baths varies according to the size of your bath and on your personal preference.
Add ¼ cup to a foot spa or tub of warm water and soak your feet. You can even use it in the shower as a body scrub.
**Please note that although this product originates as a food grade product, Natural Good Life is not a registered food re-packer or supplier.
Our dry ingredients are packaged into clear plastic bags. These bags are recycable through the REDcycle program. More information on the REDcycle program can be found here.
We have bought our plastic tubs back for the bulky items (2kg) and as a refill option (by purchasing just the 2kg option -no tub). These plastic tubs are made of PP plastic. The dry ingredients are still sent to you in the REDcycle plastic bag along with an empty tub. We can not send ingredients in the tubs, as due to them being so weighty the tubs crack in transit. So to avoid this they are sent as 2 seperate items.
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