These sample cards are great to give out with samples of oils/blends. They come pre-cut with a 1ml – 2ml vial hole.
There are 25 different oils/blend cards and 2 or 3 of each different oil/blend.
Blends Categories include:
Aromatic Blends - Soothing Blend, Massage Blend, Repellent Blend, Cleansing Blend, Invigorating Blend
Essential Blends - Tension Blend, Respiratory Blend, Calming Blend, Digestive Blend, Focus Blend
Blends for Women - Blend for Women, Monthly Blend, Grounding Blend, Joyful Blend, Metabolic Blend
Top Oils - Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Wild Orange, Protective Blend
Emotional Blends - Inspiring Blend, Encouraging Blend, Uplifting Blend, Renewing Blend, Reassuring Blend, Comforting Blend